Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Liebster Award

Hey everyone! So I was lucky enough to be nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely and gorgeous Nicole from ! Check out her blog, it's amazing!
Nicole asked me to answer some questions, then nominate eleven other bloggers for the award. Since I'm having a lazy Sunday today, sipping on some tea hungover from last night, I thought now would be a good time to get cracking! So here goes..


What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I love blogging because it gives me an outlet to my creativity. I've always been very artistic and loved writing and taking photos. I do it for the joy of watching something I've created grow and take shape, and if other people get pleasure out of it too, even better!

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself that most people don't know?

I have a weird desire to work on a commercial fishing boat!

How do you see your blog progressing in the future?

Hopefully it will continue to grow and more people will read it- I want to be able to share it with as many people as possible!

How would you describe your style?

I find it pretty hard to define my style because it isn't always the same - it depends on my mood but I would say: cute and quirky with a bit of an edge.

Do you have any tips for people who would like to start a blog?

Just go for it! You have nothing to lose.

What is your most loved possession and why?

All of my journals because they contain all my memories and are priceless to me.

What do you want most from life?

To travel and be happy

Do you feel that the blogging world can grow?

I think it is growing all the time- we're definitely changing into a much more user-generated-content society. I find it very interesting the way the media world is heading.

Tell us one thing you feel you can improve on your blog?

I would love to change and improve my layout and make it more personal to me. And I also want to become more involved in the blogging community in Glasgow and Scotland.

What are your interests/hobbies?

Writing, photography, reading, travelling... I also love video games, and I'm a bit of an Asian culture geek sometimes! Oh, and I'm total beauty junkie.

What is your dream career?

There are a lot of jobs I would love to do - work for a magazine, be a fashion buyer, a photo journalist, a publisher.. Even owning a little cafe would be awesome! To be honest I don't really know where my future is headed but realistically I just want a job that I enjoy doing and that I can feel passionate about.

The lovely bloggers I've nominated for a Liebster Award are: 

And here are my eleven questions for you guys!

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What are your favourite blogs to read?
3. What are three items you couldn't live without?
4. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
5. What are you currently listening to?
6. Who are your biggest inspirations?
7. What was the last movie you went to see and what did you think?
8. What's your guilty pleasure?
9. What's your favourite thing about Summer?
10. What do you like most about yourself?
11. Tell us somewhere you've never been but you'd love to visit and why?

Thank you to Nicole for nominating me! I look forward to reading the posts on everyone's' blogs! :D Please link back to me in your post and comment here when you're done!


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