Friday, 28 February 2014

Broken Wrists and Breaking Bad

The past few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster for me. Upon a recent trip to Edinburgh, I discovered a few things.

1. Mint chai tea lattes are awesome

2. A whole bottle of vodka on a stomach of nothing but haribos and dim sum =

3. Add in a pair of stupidly high heels and you get:

The number one thing I have learned is that broken wrists are probably the least fun things ever. I have now been living for 2 and a half weeks with a cast, and let me tell you, it ain't no picnic. The number of things you need your left hand for are astounding. I get so frustrated trying to tie my hair back! Opening bottles and jars is a challenge beyond compare. Perhaps the most annoying thing is the endless stream of questions from people asking how it happened! The irony that I've been doing snowboarding (the number one cause of a broken wrist) lessons now for 2 months without injury and yet I manage to break my wrist by falling over in a kitchen.

I've been pretty down about it all and it's just as well I had Breaking Bad to get me through it. Only ten more episodes to go! Jesse is a god.

1 comment :

  1. You looked gorgeous with the cast.Did you take the cast off?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.
