Saturday, 14 April 2018

Things I learned living on my own

Last weekend, I moved out of the flat I've lived in alone for two years, from age 25 to 27, to a new place with a flatmate. Not just a flatmate - a friend, and a close friend. It was a big decision to make - I'd been on my own for a while and had become very used to it. I'd never lived with anyone else before (parents don't count, neither do backpackers).

I deliberated for a long time but in the end, it just made sense to move. Namely, financial sense - living on my own was ridiculously expensive and it meant I could save a bit of money each month. Besides, living with another person was a new experience and I'd heard it could be fun! So I emailed my letting agency and just like that, ended my two year tenancy.

It felt a bit like ending a relationship. I'd grown very attached to my wee flat (which incidentally, was probably far too big for me.) I'd filled it with all the things I loved and really made it home. When moving out day finally arrived and I had to pack it all into boxes and leave, I felt heartbroken. I reflected on all of my memories of this place, everything that happened here. I held a 'farewell' party with some of my friends to give it a proper goodbye.

I recently this article by Polly Dunbar, where she talks about how she did most of her growing up in the flat she lived in during her mid twenties. I definitely agree - your childhood home is just that, your first 'grown up' home is the place where you really learn about yourself, and life as an adult.

I considered how much things had changed in the past two years for me, and how living on my own had helped mould me into the person I am now. It's definitely not for everyone so I don't want to say 'it's something everyone should experience at least once in their life' but for me, it was.

So here are 10 reasons why living on my own was so awesome.

1. Having a place that's truly yours. Stamping your personality all over it and having people say "this is such a Kirsty flat" when they walk in.

2. You get to feel all independent when you tell people "I live on my own". This usually generates one of two reactions: "Amazing!" or "Aw, that's so sad. Don't you get lonely?"

3a. Having no-one there to judge you when you're standing in your kitchen eating dry cereal out of the packet, crisps and anything else in your cupboards after a night out.

3b. Having no-one there to judge you when you wake up the next morning after said night out and find crumbs all over the kitchen floor, half-devoured mess, clothes and belongings strewn across every room.

4. Being able to be naked whenever you want (obviously)

5. Being able to sing loudly whenever you want. And talk to yourself.

6. Cooking whatever you want to eat. Even if that was a rotation of the same 5 meals. Ramen noodles again? Hell yeh!

7. Only ever having to clean up after yourself.

8. Never having to wait for the bathroom.

9. Being able to host 'dinner parties' for your friends.

(Reality: planning an extravagant menu and then panicking at 5pm on the way home from work when you realise you don't have the time, ingredients or culinary skills you thought you did. Cue plan B - basic menu option - which you still manage to mess up - rescued by a lot of crisps and hummus and a LOT of cheap wine.)

10. Eating all of the leftover food from said party when everyone leaves.

And, even though I'm still very new to it, here are some reasons why living with a friend is awesome too....

1. Having someone to come home and rant to.

2. Someone to motivate you to go to the gym.

3. Someone to share the household chores with.

4. Doing Beyonce dance routines in the living room is a lot more fun with two people (and a dog).

5. Learning new recipes and trying new things (pumpkin gnocchi is my new favourite dinner!).

6. Someone to do 'fashion shows' with and get their opinion on outfits.

7. Making a home that reflects both of your personalities.

8. Drinking wine on a Monday is perfectly acceptable when you have someone to share it with.

9. Having someone to come and pour you a glass of wine in the bath (and rescue you when you spill it in the bathwater).

10. Making new memories together and sharing everything in your lives - good and bad.

It was tough leaving my old place but I wouldn't go back there now. Change isn't always easy but I think it's a good thing and it can help you to grow.

Conclusion so far: living on your own is nice, but living with someone is definitely more fun. I will report back with more updates.

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