Monday, 27 January 2014

The Calm Before the Storm

As much as it is considered back luck to inform others of one's driving test date and time, this time around I could not contain the information and have told everyone that will listen! Tomorrow will be my second attempt, and although it is still another twenty whole hours away, I can feel the nerves already building in the pit of my stomach, so I'm dreading what I will feel like in the morning!

To combat this I have decided to have a day of relaxation and prep, so I'm fully ready to take it on without collapsing like a house of spaghetti.

I bought these rescue remedy pastilles after I googled ways to overcome stress and nerves on your driving test. Probably they won't make a blind bit of difference, maybe it's all psychological but it can't hurt to try! I will report back my findings on here.

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